Happy World Humanist Day

Enjoy the Summer Solstice and Happy World Humanist Day to those celebrating!

Chosen Sting’s “Send Your Love” for a reason to mark today.

There’s no religion but sex and music
There’s no religion but sound and dancing
There’s no religion but line and color
There’s no religion but sacred trance

There’s no religion but the endless ocean
There’s no religion but the moon and stars
There’s no religion but time and motion
There’s no religion, just tribal scars

Throw a pebble in and watch the ocean
See the ripples vanish in the distance
It’s just the same with all the emotions
It’s just the same in every instance

There’s no religion but the joys of rhythm
There’s no religion but the rites of Spring
There’s no religion in the path of hate
No prayer but the one I sing

An article I wrote last year on what it means to me being a humanist can be read here.

Article written by John Sargeant on Homo economicus’ Weblog

Follow @JPSargeant78

My Huffington Post Blog


Filed under atheism, Religion

3 responses to “Happy World Humanist Day

  1. “There’s no religion but sex and music” harkens back to pre-civilized man.

    Sting’s little ditty is therefore a clarion call to malignant ignorance and a time when human life was brutally short, fraught with hunger and disease and cruel beyond measure.

    Since all the great civilizations grew up around religion, the rejection of religion is actually the rejection of civil society.

    Sting should be laughed to scorn and driven from the public square.

    • The pop song is about universal themes that invoke our common humanity and express love. Rather than an economic social contract for a modern state …

      • John,

        The pop song in question professes universal stupidity, universal heathen barbarism and therefore the universal rejection of civil society.

        There is no way to sugar coat the grotesque nature of this Sting ditty.

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