An Update On Mo Ansar – Tell Mama Threaten Potential Legal Action

If you are new to the curious world of Mo Ansar you may want to read this post first for more context, though not essential.

The Mo Ansar vanity exercise goes on via Twitter, though now his persona is fighting for islamic orthodoxy, or more specifically for only those that fit a certain criteria for having anything worth saying about reform. Especially after he smears them.


The man that most fits this criteria is, of course, himself. Readily available for media engagements day and night. Those regular slots on TV have dried up since the exposes on him hit mainstream media.

Quilliam and TellMama

Such has been his hatred of the Quilliam counter extremism think tank founded by Maajid Nawaz, comparing them to Anjem Choudary and ISIS. In recent months his anger has included TellMama, the counter anti-muslim bigotry organisation which dismissed his complaint against broadcaster Iain Dale (as did the police) over a Twitter exchange they had. Today all this spilled out on Twitter, as TellMama lost patience with him:




Mo Ansar tweeted (but has deleted while I wrote this piece) that he helped TellMama to grow and that they broke their promise to help with his accusation against Iain Dale.

[Update: someone else (thanks Nick!) took a screenshot here is that tweet:

IMG_2284.JPG ]

TellMama’s reply:


David Allen Green

Mo Ansar’s claims to speak as a lawyer, and representing himself in court, have been repeatedly questioned.


David never got a direct answer, and this is the tweet he links to:


Interestingly Mo Ansar’s apology tweet, for having given any impression of being a lawyer, has been deleted.

Here is the deleted tweet:


(More on “as a lawyer” and David’s comment can be read here note more tweets did exist but they have been deleted)

What Mo Ansar has done though is accuse David Allen Green of harassment for asking Mo to substantiate tweets he has publicly made:

And that this has made him a victim:

Top Dog

Thing is Ansar’s claims regarding himself are fair comment. For example that he was top of an Al Shabab kill list:


Yet Mo Shafiq has confirmed the police and security services informed him the threat to them all (including Maajid Nawaz and others) was real, but not drawn up in this way:

The reason this keeps dragging on is because Mo Ansar keeps drawing attention to these things, without providing any credible evidence. Mentioning yet again he was top of a death list.

Call the police

Why would anyone want to single themselves out so belittling the threat to others? What sort of person crows publicly about being top of a death list, but complains bitterly about tweets as harassment when the police see no issue? Who phones employers demanding they sack someone for sending a tweet?

And here is the tweet:

Yes calling someone a cunt on Twitter is worthy of a police investigation then going before the courts. Except of course, it was not in the end.

Now what is Mo Ansar’s problem?

However, let me leave the final word to Mo Ansar who despite smearing, petty tactics and wasting police time gives some sage advice he would do well to follow.


Post Script:

Of course Mo Ansar threatened David Allen Green as well

Article written by John Sargeant on Homo economicus’ Weblog

Follow @JPSargeant78

My Huffington Post Blog


Filed under British Society

3 responses to “An Update On Mo Ansar – Tell Mama Threaten Potential Legal Action

  1. Scott

    I have just tried to view his tweets but strangely I’ve been blocked. I only had a couple of interactions with him and that was over a year ago during the whole being-exposed-as-a-fraud thing. Why get blocked now? The same goes for Asghar Bukhari. Weird. no?

  2. Scott – Mo blocked me ages ago, but I was still able to see his timeline but if I clicked on “follow” I’d get the message that I’d been blocked. Recently, I can’t now see his TL. This might be a general Twitter innovation to give more meaning to “blocked.”

    • Which kind of makes more sense really. I’m not blocked but since Mo made clear my tweets were not welcome try to avoid unless he tweets me.

      He is always welcome to reply on this blog as he knows.

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