Rape Graph by the Enliven Project


A shocking reflection of the stats on rape and justice, in the United States. Source

Whilst those who follow me on twitter know, with attention focused on India, these issues are very much an international one. The blatant savagery though in recent events have shocked the world, and the people of India to their credit have responded demanding change and an end to the status quo.

Time for us to not to try and rationalise away such sexual predatory behaviour as unchangeable – her dress, her look, evolutionary imperative, culture cannot change, men are men.

Our bodies our are own, and a violation of that is an attack on humanity.

We must respond as one in reducing rape, as well as improving the criminal justice system.

Update: June 9 every time I share this graph people mention the Slate article that tries to suggest the graph is fundamentally flawed.

One thing that suggests Slate did not grasp representing statistical data is suggesting people might think graph is male population. How anyone would get that is beyond me. A fair point would be to say rapes not rapists.

To understand decisions that are made in such a graph please read what enliven project had to say.

Hat tip to Batou on twitter for links and reminding of need to update here.

Article written by John Sargeant on Homo economicus’ Weblog

Follow @JPSargeant78

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