CJ Werleman threatens legal action against Godless Spellchecker


Stephen Knight, otherwise known as Godless Spellchecker on his blog and Twitter, has written a review on CJ Werleman’s new book: The New Atheist Threat. Knight charges headlong into the hypocrisy and false arguments made by CJ.

CJ has responded by threatening legal action. This attempted bullying of bloggers, who clearly are giving an honest opinion while demonstrating reasonable conclusions by citation of evidence, is intolerable.

In solidarity, I am reblogging Knight’s post and hope other secular bloggers and free speech advocates do the same. It is a must read so do please read the link at the bottom of the excerpt that follows:

“Like all cults, New Atheists believe that “the best human beings, as defined by them as ‘rational’ and ‘enlightened’ should become powerful enough to dictate to the rest of the planet a new way of being…they not only espouse white supremacy but they also speak in a language that is every bit as crude and racist as fascist, neo-Nazi, movements”- CJ Werleman, The New Atheist Threat

I suppose I’ll start this latest (and hopefully last) blog post on CJ Werleman in the same spirit with which I approached the others: by rattling off an ever-expanding list of curiosities. The greatest hits compilation includes; misrepresentation, serial plagiarism, probable sockpuppetry, outright lies, a suspicious Twitter follower count, false accusations and the latest entry: a history of anti-Muslim bigotry and racism. And unfortunately, some new entries to follow below.

Werleman’s rabid anti-‘new atheist’ vitriol finally culminated in the release of his latest self-published book ‘The New Atheist Threat: The Dangerous Rise Of Secular Extremists’. It would be more fitting were it titled ‘Quotes From People Who Hate Sam Harris’ – as without quotations from others, I’d wager that only a quarter of this book is actually Werleman’s own original writing. If I ever get the time, I’ll complete a word count with and without quotations/extracts. The fact is, if you’re familiar with the output of Reza Aslan, Chris Hedges, Glenn Greenwald, Karen Armstrong, Nathan Lean, Max Blumenthal and Robert Pape, then you have read this book already, which is nothing more than a love letter to them. “Why pay for this?” I hear you ask. Well, I didn’t. Special thanks to Kindle Lending Library.

Do read more of the review, and expose of CJ Werleman on The Godless Spellchecker’s Blog.

Article written by John Sargeant on Homo economicus’ Weblog

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Filed under atheism, secular

3 responses to “CJ Werleman threatens legal action against Godless Spellchecker

  1. Reblogged this on Not Your Sweetie and commented:
    Fantastic take down of opportunistic plagiarist who now acts as a thug

  2. Pingback: Rushdie Responds to CJ Werleman Comparing His Book To His | Homo economicus' Weblog

  3. “Like all cults, New Atheists believe that “the best human beings, as defined by them as ‘rational’ and ‘enlightened’ should become powerful enough to dictate to the rest of the planet a new way of being…they not only espouse white supremacy…”

    Wow! Didn’t know that I expect everyone else to march to my tune….Nor did I know I was a white supremacist…The things you learn. Actually, both of those are what I thought religions stood for.

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